The staff and board of directors are very proud and honored to be chosen as the 2023 Non-Profit of the Year by the Cortland Chamber of Commerce. Executive Director Kim Hill, strives each day to provide a nutritious meal in a safe setting, with genuine hospitality for all our guests. It is only with her commitment to excellence and the desire to feed those in need that we could even be considered for this award.
Loaves & Fishes has extended this mission to address food insecurity in our community by funding six school food programs. These initiatives provide weekend meals to those at risk students in our local school districts, and will serve approximately 25,000 meals annually in these six programs.
Our sincere gratitude is extended to the Cortland Chamber of Commerce for this recognition.
Pictured below: R- Kim Hill, CLF Executive Director, C- Mike Shafer, CLF Treasure, L- Bob Haight, Chamber Pres/CEO